Is Your Office Ready For Flu Season

Post By: Balaji Cleaning Agency
16 Aug 2022        625

Are You Prepared for Flu Season at Work?

The flu season will soon be here! Now, almost everyone spends more time inside. Being healthy at this time of year when the flu is more prevalent might be difficult. Nothing gets us out of the office quicker than a sneezing and coughing coworker! Even if we wish them well on their road to recovery, we do not desire what they possess. Businesses can lose a lot of money over time from the flu and other frequent but expensive illnesses that have an impact on attendance, output, and even employee morale.

Although the Covid positive rate has been under 5% since the beginning of June. However, this is rising steadily. Additionally, people are arriving with viral gastroenteritis, bacterial pneumonia, rickettsial infection, dengue, typhoid, and other diseases.

While it may seem inevitable to catch the illness a few times during the cold and flu season, that isn't always the case. Your exposure during the terrible flu season can be significantly reduced by your staff using good sanitation procedures, and your business can save money as a result. To protect coworkers, clients, and other visitors, you want to be sure that both your personnel and the commercial cleaning firm they work with are following best practices.

Your office may survive this season healthy and strong if you take simple precautions to stop the spread of the virus. You may easily stop the transmission of cold and flu germs with the help of your business cleaning service if they pay a bit more attention. You might simply receive a surface clean from your cleaning business rather than a comprehensive, hygienic clean if they are not knowledgeable about cleaning to decrease bacterial, viral, and other common infectious diseases.

Exactly what your cleaning service ought to be doing is:

  1. Be particularly aware of "Touch Points"
    If communal rooms are not carefully cleaned on a regular basis, germs can spread quickly in a work setting. Light switches, door knobs, phones, copiers, coffee makers, stair rails, elevator buttons, and other commonly touched surfaces in public places serve as ideal breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses. It is crucial to regularly clean these surfaces with the help an of office cleaning service to eliminate germs as soon as they come into contact, especially in the fall and winter when the prevalence of cold and flu diseases is at an all-time high.
  2. Communal kitchen areas should be cleaned often
    In a shared kitchen, viruses and respiratory infections can flourish. In order to reduce the spread of cold and flu germs, it is important to periodically sanitise appliances and take the help a of deep cleaning service in Gurgaon and deep clean goods including refrigerators, microwaves, faucet handle, water fountains, and vending machine buttons.
  3. Consistently have your carpets cleaned
    Employee illness is caused by a dirty workplace. Germs and pollutants can hide safely in carpets. The indoor air quality of your office is improved, bacteria are killed, hidden contaminants are removed, and your carpets look better with regular professional cleaning.

What Your Staff Members Should Do:

  1. Wash your hands often
    Regular hand washing reduces the spread of contagions that cause sickness. Tnumberunt of bacteria on your hands can be considerably reduced with just 30 seconds of basic hand washing with soap and water. So that staff members have no justification for not frequently washing their hands, make sure sink areas are sufficiently equipped with hand-washing equipment. Ensure that each employee washes their hands before eating and drinking, after using the restroom, before touching anything with a high contact point, and after blowing their nose. Encourage your staff to often wash their hands to limit the spread of germs between professional office cleanings.
  2. Maintain a spotless desk
    Regularly sanitising and cleaning your desk can have a significant impact. Keep cleaning cloths on hand for frequent use by the workforce. If used frequently on the phone, desktop, and keyboard of the computer, these wipes can help keep workstations largely germ-free.
  3. Avoid eating while working
    Most office workers eat their lunch or at the very least their snacks at their desks. Tnumberunt of bacteria on computer keyboards may increase if you eat at your work. If eating at the desk is a habit that won't likely end anytime soon, make sure to regularly wipe the keyboards to lessen the numbering of dangerous bacteria.
  4. Take a flu shot
    Even if you spend a lot of time teaching your staff the right "sick etiquette" during flu season, pathogens will still spread relatively easily through accidental touch. The flu vaccine is made to help your body produce the antibodies required to defend against the virus. The flu vaccination can prevent the virus approximately 90% of the time in healthy adults and kids. Encourage your staff to yearly have the flu shot.
  5. Send sick workers home
    You must set up a secure environment for calling in sick to maintain the health of your workplace. Many employees believe that covering up their illnesses is an admirable thing to do, but if you are contagious, staying home when you are ill ly the wiser course of action. Your company can survive another flu season if you take some precautionary steps to safeguard your staff, clients, and other visitors. A healthy work environment can be maintained by taking reasonable protection measures, which are also easy to implement.

Call office cleaning service in Gurgaon to ensure that your office delivers the most hygienic and clean environment possible. Visit Balaji Deep Cleaning Agency right away to learn more about our business cleaning services.


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